print your photos

Photography Prints And USB

I have always said, if you are going to invest in professional photos then invest in quality printing.

What are the items most commonly grabbed in the event of a natural disaster like an impeding flooding or fire event? Albums and prints.. not the USB you have lost in a drawer somewhere.

And how does Grandma show off her newest grand-baby? In a little brag book of course, or sweet little frames on her dresser.

Many people think printing is old fashioned or ‘not needed’ anymore, and that’s fine, everyone deserves an opinion. But as someone who regularly upgrades technology for my business I see first hand how quickly electronic devices outdate or become corrupt and not usable.

A USB is a delivery option, not a storage device.


A birth certificate shows we were born, but a photography shows we have lived.

Portraits are apart of your legacy. Photographs are simply all we leave behind. We never know when our time is up, and I personally think printed photos are incredibly important to have around the home. To remember family moments, loved ones who have left us and to spread love throughout the home.

I still regularly look up at our weeding portrait when sitting on the lounge and every time, it takes me straight back to that adrenalin moment (we were married on a cliff). And I can almost smell my son’s newborn hair when I look up at his newborn photos. I also love visiting friends homes and looking at photographs on their walls, there is always a photograph that comes with a funny story and this truly fills my cup!

Future Generations

I remember still to this day my Dad and Grandfather showing me photos of of ancestors and telling me who they were and where they came from. The old photographs truly are what pulled me into photography. This is how I was able to put faces to the family history.

Beyond us are future generations who will be looking back wanting to see the face of their great great grandmother and photographs allow this. Of course online family trees are incredible now, but photographs one family member can show you and tell you something about each person is so much more fulfilling.

A note to consider when printing, yes retail prints are cheap but nothing cheap is good and nothing good is cheap. Professional prints have archival inks and paper which means they will last upwards of 200 years if looked after, such as kept out of moisture or direct sunlight.

All products I offer are archival and made here in Australia.

building confidence within children

There are some things that past generations haven’t encountered before - social media and it’s impact on society, particularly our children.

Everyday children of all ages are displayed ‘highlights’ of the lives of friends, family & the world around them. Not only are young females being faced with the every growing focus of one’s self image but so are young man. Children are comparing themselves to the everyday person as well as the supermodels, influencers and fitness models all over our screens.

This is having an everlasting impact on young minds and their immediate actions. Never has there been a time more impactful time than now where someone’s worth has sadly been driven by their appearance. We have lost the importance of one’s personality, kindness and morals to drive their worth in this world. And particularly, celebrating them for who they are.

I truly believe that the work starts from within the home. Children should feel celebrated for how they look, where they fit into the family unit and how much they are loved. When you print and display your child’s portraits on the walls of your family home from an early age - this sets the tone of celebrating ones individuality and in this day and age, it has never been more important.

Even if it has no impact on them in the immediate future, there may come a time when your teenager walks down the hall and in that right moment notices all the beautiful family moments over the years .. this could be the very thing that pulls them out of a dark place or a moment in time they were struggling to see their worth.

And to me, for this reason every single cent is worth printing these photos.

So, print your photos.

Show your children they are loved as they are in a language that they understand - displayed photos. Times are changing and we to ensure we can build a strong foundation in the home that they are enough just as they are, and will forever be absolutely everything in our eyes.


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